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Certified Fiber Optic Specialist Outside Plant

Dates:November 20-21, 2021
Meets:Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location:ATC 220
Cost: $795.00

Sorry, we are no longer accepting registrations for this course. Please contact our office to find out if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.

Our fiber optic certification program provides low cost, quality instruction, and is conveniently located. The program is divided into individual courses, each comprised of all topics needed to prepare for the Certified Fiber Optics Technician (CFOT) and the Advanced Fiber Optics Certification Exams that are given and graded the final day of class. The Basic Fiber Optics Networking (CFOT) course is designed for anyone interested in learning basic fiber optic networking and becoming a Certified Fiber Optics Technician. The Advanced Fiber Optics Network Testing and Maintenance, Outside Plant, and Splicing Specialist courses are designed for students who seek advanced training with the testing and maintenance, splicing of fiber optics networks, and outside plant cabling. Students are able to enroll in one course or all three concurrently. By the end of the program, students should be able to install, terminate, and test multimode/single mode fiber optics networks effectively and efficiently; build and test a fiber optic LAN network; and identify fiber network defects Provide Quality Assurance (QA) procedures to minimize or eliminate future network outages. Students gain practical working knowledge of fiber optics skills, with 85% of class time devoted to hands-on work. Tuition includes class materials and an industry recognized written certification exam. Financial Assistance available.


All students MUST complete the Certified Fiber Optics Basic Training course BEFORE registering for this advanced course.
Fee: $795.00

ATC 220

Located at the corner of Lee Drive and Gulf Street
Date Day Time Location
11/20/2021Saturday8 AM to 5 PM ATC 220
11/21/2021Sunday8 AM to 5 PM ATC 220